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Sunday, November 14, 2010

His Name was "CALVIN"

HOLY COW! This is weird!! To all of those at Mikes b-day party, trying to figure out Shaunnas mysterious Boyfriends name when we all went down to the Dominican Republic! His name was "CALVIN" ! How do I know this?? Strangely enough, I havn't given it one thought since we all last chatted about it at Mikes party. Last night, I was having a weird dream of Lisa doing drugs and Shaunna inviting us over for a late night snack of "mushrooms" and trying to convince me to sleep over at this certain hotel that she was staying at... but I remember I was so concerned as to what I would do with the dogs, couldn't leave them by themselves... so as I was talking with mom on the phone, trying to figure out how to get to Shaunna... I SUDDENLY WOKE UP! And for some god givin reason, right before I woke up, I saw the name CALVIN written down some wheres in my dream . When I awoke, I had to text Shaunna at 3:17 am in the morning..It was too weird to be true.... Shaunna confirmed the name early the next morning and we both laughed and realized that it wasn't a spanish after all! Had to share that with you guys..... ( I promise I only had one drink last night with dinner)


debadee said...

Yup, it's official. You're weird, lol. You really do belong to this family, lol. luv u muah!!! Oh, and thanks for letting us know his name. I haven't been able to sleep since the party, hahahahahha!!!!!!!

Bella said...

OMG you are right!!!!! Isn't it funny how things hit us at the oddest times or something triggers it. This was a huge deal to us Deb as this kid played a big part in our trip.

Leesh said...

You are much too strange!!! Apple didn't fall far from OUR trees, thanks.... Calvin??? Couldn't be any less ethnic - almost sounds ghetto....lol

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Holy crap Heather......you are so right!! BTW we are in Ft. Lauderdale!! 80 degrees when we landed at 11:10 am!

Anonymous said...

wish we were there with you guys!!!! sounds nice and warm!!!