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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Who likes Turkey?????

Still can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving!
Jim, Yvonne
Alicia, SJM, Grandma
Debbie, Lisa, Mike
Pam & Tuna
Heather & Bill

Here is the menu for Thanksgiving Day!

Turkey w/ Gravy & Stuffing, Vegetables, Mac & Cheese
We need the following items please;
Pammy if you could whip up some taters
Deb, dinner rolls (about 2 dozen as there is 12 of us)
Leesh, maybe a pie
Lydia..possibly a relish tray (maybe Pickles & Olives)
Heather your pumpkin Dessert would be great!
Grandma her famous cole slaw
Let us know if this is doable please!
Dinner shall be 3-3:30pm


debadee said...

I be there!!!! I will have off that day. Let me know what you would like me to bring.