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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

This is Paradise.....

This is the view looking out our balcony (here in the Bahama's) across the way
and a side view of the Radisson!
More pics coming soon!


shaunna said...

awesome pics dad! looks like you guys are having a great time! keep em coming!!!

Bella said...

Looks like an awesome time!!!!

debadee said...

Have a great vaca you two!!! Wonderful pictures. See you on Turkey Day!!!!

Leesh said...

Simply breathtaking! Take lots of pics. Wanna see them on Trukey Day!

Anonymous said...

nice pics!! Jing, take a vacay! don't worry about the blog!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Thanks everyone...and to you too Heather! I see we're in good hands, and I appreciate it much!!