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Sunday, November 28, 2010


Well all, we have news on the gift for Audrey Jane. The Tunas purchased a 32' Sanyo HD flat screen television today at BJ's for $382 total. Assuming that we have 8 groups/families to donate, that comes to $47.75/family. Now, for the fun part! She could really use this set up sooner than later since her television is on the blink. I can pick up the receiver from Time Warner this week. Her surgery is next week and she'll be staying with Sam and I Tuesday and Wednesday ( oh joy ) lol..... Perhaps we can set it up and hook up the receiver so that when I drop her back off Wednesday evening ( providing all is well with her ), we can all be there to watch the expression on her face. Remember, though, that this day is subject to change, unfortunately. It all depends on how well she tolerates the procedure on Wednesday since that day is the one where they will put her under anesthesia completely. I'm putting the feelers out there so that if anyone has a better suggestion we can put it on the table. Feedback please.....


HeAtHeR said...

that sounds good to us!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Work schedule permitting...sounds good to us!