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Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday's Science question....

What term (name) is a pregnant Goldfish referred as?

Update on Aunt Debbie: Pammy called me around 7pm Sunday night and said surgery went well. She was hoping to see her when she came out of recovery around 9 or 10 pm. I am planning on stopping by either late morning or early afternoon. I don't have the room number at Strong Memorial, but understand she may be moved to the 6th. floor at some point if not already! Details to follow. If you have newer info. please post for everyone to read. Thanks Jim


Leesh said...

I talked to Deb just a few minutes ago... She feels awful. She has a tube up her nose and it's making her very sick. She can barely talk. However, she does have a phone in her room. Just call 275-7575 and key in her room # which is 15363. Bear in mind, that tube will most likely be in her stomach for a few days, so you conversation will be pretty much one-sided. I asked her if she needed anything and she said no, so just some company will help, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

She is on the 6th floor section 3600. I am going to work today( 10-6:30) but will have my cell phone on me, please call if needed. Holli is trying to leave today , but has somethings to take care of for Deb please give her your support as she is stuggling with leaving.

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

I left there around 2pm. Holli and the kids were there getting ready to drive home to NC. The tube was out, and they were going to get her to walk over to the chair and set. Still a bit groggy but coherent.

Kimmer said...

Is her room number 363 or 636? My friend Robin went up to see her yesterday (she works right below the floor where mom is) and she said her room was 636. Just wanted to find out and clarify. Tim's taking the boys up sometime this week and I gave him 363. Someone let me know which is right? Thanks a bunch!!!

Leesh said...

She's on the 6th floor, 3600 unit. I believe her room # is 24A, but he can stop right at the nurse's station to clarify. Hope that helps.

Leesh said...

Oh... and tell him to follow the RED elevators. That'll help.