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Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday Update for Deb

Mom and I went to see Deb today. Her color is starting to come back now - atleast she doesn't look like Casper any longer!!! They read her CT Scan results and are doing a repeat per Dr. Orloff. They don't believe it is an abcess any longer. The tech saw a "sack" on her pancreas. They are thinking along the lines of pancreatitis. As Gramma and I were leaving at 2 pm, she just finished drinking her contrast fluid for this scan today at 3 pm. I have asked Deb to call me and let me know what, if anything, that they say. Hopefully, it's small and manageable. I will call Bella when I hear from her because I am working 7 to 11 pm tonight at my private case. Kim, thanks for the kudos, hun, but no man is an island. Everyone has had a hand in ensuring that things get taken care of and Deb spends as little time alone as possible. We're all chipping in one way or the other. But thanks again, sweetie.