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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday Update for Debbie

Talked to Deb this afternoon. Dr's say that it is peritonitis afterall. They've already changed her antibiotics to accommodate this. She's finally getting hungry, although they said nothing by mouth for atleast another day or two. The drs said from here on out, it is a day by day thing. They're monitoring her enzymes to make sure that she is on the mend, so we'll have to play it by ear as to when she can come home. That's all fer now.


Leesh said...

I'll bet it has! It's that time of year and I think it's a doozie. Hey, if you do go, could you possibly bring Mom? I think she'd like to go tomorrow. I'll head back up Thursday.

Kimmer said...

Just thought I would clarify that mom has pancreatitis...NOT peritonitis.