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Sunday, December 14, 2008

**** UPDATE ****

Hi all...

Left the hospital around 3:50 ish this afternoon. She was drinking her prep fluid for her CT scan. They figure that around 4 :15ish or so they would come to get her and hopefully if she was able to drink enough prep stuff, they'd take her to the CT area. Deb is going to try to call me when she comes back afterwards. I don't expect that she'll know much - being a Sunday, I'd lay bets that nobody will read it as quickly as at other times. If she doesn't call me, I will call her, but she was pretty groggy. They've changed her to dilaudid, which makes her gaggy as well as it keeps ya pretty "liquored up". PICC line is still not out at this point. Not quite sure what they're waiting for, but we'll trust them at this point. Blood clots appear to be reacting to the heaparin, too. I will let you know more as I become aware.


Anonymous said...

Her number is 275-7575 15555

Leesh said...

Deb called here at 8:55 tonight... they FINALLY took out that nasty PICC line. Now we just wait for the results of her CT scan.