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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Today's Tease......

One More Letter
Figure out the word hinted at in Clue 1. Then rearrange those letters and add one more letter to figure out the word hinted at in Clue 2. Continue recycling letters and adding one more until you've built a seven-letter word as the answer to Clue 5.

Clue 1
A drink made with leaves
_ _ _

Clue 2
Something that's sticky on one side
_ _ _ _

Clue 3
A fold in a skirt or curtain
_ _ _ _ _

Clue 4
Thing that a stapler dispenses
_ _ _ _ _ _

Clue 5
Bodies in space
_ _ _ _ _ _ _


Leesh said...

Jingers is testing us again. tsk tsk tsk... Wasn't the first time back last month?

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Yes.....and I still do not see any answer!!! Ha Ha Ha!

Leesh said...

Ok.. Here we go...
1. tea
2. tape
3. pleat
4. staple
5. planets

( is there and echo in the room )


Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Very nice Leesh! I hope everyone is paying close attention!!!!