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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday's Stumper..........

Getting Across
Ms. Waters and her twins, Danny and Anny, want to cross from the east side of the river to the west side in a canoe. But the canoe can hold no more than 200 pounds. Ms. Waters weighs 160 pounds, and Danny and Anny weigh 100 pounds each. How can all three of them reach the other side of the river in the canoe?


Mike said...

Danny and anny go to the other side, danny goes back to the side where Ma is, Danny gets out, Ma then paddles over to Anny. Ma gets out and rests becaus ethe current was strong. Anny paddles back over to get Danny, picks him up, then they meet Ma over on the other bank succesfully and roast marshmellows.

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Excellent theory Mikey!
I like where your head's at!!

debadee said...

Sure hope it didn't rain after all that!!!!!!!