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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Jumbled Catch Phrase...New Feature

5 word phrase

nepny sewi nda nupod sifloho


debadee said...

penny wise and pound foolish

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Yes.....are these too easy?

debadee said...

for me, yes! It scares me that I can undo the jumbled up words, lol! Dad and I used to see who could get the jumbles done in the newspaper every weekend. Wonder what this says about my brain, lol!!!!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Ha ha ha...Dad would always beat me...he was a whip! My tht process is that I could make all the words into one word. Let you know how many words the phrase is and you then have to figure it out. Example : FatwasUteriHoof 5 word phrase. See if you can solve it!