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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Post Surgical Update

Samantha and I stayed with Mom until 9;00 p.m. She was quite uncomfortable still and was experiencing post surgical psychosis. She was agitated, slightly combative and had NO mouth filter at all. We got her to take sips of water and ice chips, but she needed medicine for pain and nausea. She will probably put in a so so night. The P.A. from the surgical team came in and talked to us. She said that considering Mom's experience with the knee, she will probably heal quickly and rehab well. Dr Weiss(?), the actual surgeon, called Deb and told her that Mom will have a long road ahead of her. He said he repaired the hip and made it for 50% weight. After talking to the nurse and researching this further, it appears very different from what the P.A. told me. 50% weight refers to the amount of her body weight she will most likely tolerate at all ever on her hip. Not good. This may impact her ability to recover to her former self and level of independence. Further talks with PT, OT and the Surgeon are in order to determine if Mom will be able to go back to St Judes, or need to relocate somewhere that has assisted living. I will find out more from the team treating her. She does not know any of this yet. She was still agitated when we left tonight. I did get her phone and TV hooked up. Her room # is 3116 and her phone# is 368-1829. FYI- she said she saw her brothers Warren and Al there. That's how delusional she was. Hard to watch...


HeAtHeR said...

Thanks for posting leesh.... that would suck monkey balls if she went into assisted living....she will NOT like that. When would they determine that? I will come up tomorrow at some point, but will call you before..want to make sure she won't hurt me!!

Leesh said...

No, she would NOT like that one bit. It will most likely be discussed prior to discharge. They will not discharge her to independent living if she cannot stand, sit walk, or take care of herself. Monkey balls..... lol

debadee said...

I am going up this morning. I will let you all know how she is doing if I get back home in time to post on blog before I have to be to work at one.

debadee said...

Well,just got back from the hospital seeing mom. She is sitting up in the chair and has been for about 3 hours or so. She is doing GREAT. She is drinking lots of water and peeing like crazy. Her oxygen saturation is 99-100% so they took her off oxygen. Jim brought her up some candy and she ate a couple pieces. She is very comfortable in the pain department and is laughing and joking. She has already been on the phone and has tv hooked up. She may be transferred to the McCormick center later this weekend or early next week according to the dr that came in. That's all I have for now. I am going to work from 1-5 and will call her when I get home. If any problems or changes call my cell phone 520-7734 I will have it on me at work.