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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

******** Momma Auddy Info ******* I spoke with Robin,Mom's nurse on the 3600 unit. She is still very uncomfortable, but Robin is keeping right on top of Mom's pain. She has been upgraded to Dilaudid, a very potent pain killer. Her room is on the 3600 unit, a floor in the Golisano Neuro Rehab. Parking is near the Birthing Center. Surgery is scheduled for sometime tomorrow, but a definite time is not clear at this point. These types of surgeries are added in to the schedule and fit in wherever possible. Robin assures me that Mom will be taken VERY good care of. I will call back in the morning after the night nurses do "rounds" with the day nurses. Hopefully, we'll have more info at that time. No phone in her room at this time, but she will have one after surgery.


Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Thanks for the update Leesh!!