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Monday, December 31, 2012

Today's FrameGame...

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Birthday Greetings Sydney...

Saturday, December 29, 2012

This is Jeopardy...


It's a file of documents on a particular subject or person

Friday, December 28, 2012

Today's Ditloid...

9 = C in a G of F

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Who the heck is that?...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

This is Jeopardy...


This word for a black-magic user comes from an Old English word meaning "oathbreaker" or "devil"

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas To You All!

Good Morning Verhey Family!

Just wanted to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas!  Enjoy that new addition to your already amazing family and give Grandma Auddie our best!  We hope to see you all soon!

Kelly and Bobbo

Merry Christmas all...

Monday, December 24, 2012

A Christmas Riddle me this...

What kind of people are afraid of Santa Claus?

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Today's FrameGame...

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Today's Brain Teaser...

A pound of apples and a pound of bananas cost $3.65, a pound of bananas and a pound of cherries cost $4.95, and a pound of apples and a pound of cherries cost $6.10.
What is the price per pound of each fruit?

Friday, December 21, 2012

This is Jeopardy...


This hyphenated term refers to the ability to use dexterity & vision together

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Today's Ditloid...

12 = P in a J

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Introducing......Scarlet Jane!!!

Welcome to our world Sweetheart!
8lbs.  8oz.  20 1/2" long!!

With her VERY proud Grandma!!!

We Love You!!

They're off and running....

Heather and Bill are off to RGH (3:15a.m.) and has now been admitted as she is 4 cm. dilated!

We will keep you posted!!!   YEAH!!!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

This is Jeopardy...


Jimi Hendrix fans know kissthisguy.com is always good for a laugh, as it's an "archive of misheard" these

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Today's K-new-it...

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Momma Auddy's new outlook!

I spoke with Amy, the charge nurse on Mom's floor yesterday. She did some "investigating" for us and found out what really happened and how things can go from here. Dr Stefanich's office was contacted. He came to see her Wednesday evening and told her that he had prior committments and was going to be unable to perform her surgery. She wouldn't have remembered that until yesterday - and she did. Dr Lovee(?) from his practice, was busy with another surgery that afternoon/evening. Dr Stefanich personally asked his friend, Dr Weiss, to take care of Mom. Amy says that although this was "protocol", atleast we should've had the courtesy of being informed. Dr Weiss repaired Mom's hip as best he could considering the type of injury. The 50% weight bearing is basically for the recovery period, approximately 4 weeks. They cannot afford for the bolt/screw to break. After that, she SHOULD make anywhere between a 75% to possibly 90% recovery. After seeing her yesterday and how quickly she transitioned from the anesthetic delerium, Amy and the Drs feel that Mom should do as well with the hip rehab as she did with her knee! She will most likely stay in the hospital where she is until Monday or Tuesday. Then she will go over to the McCormick Joint Center for intensive OT and PT. How long she stays there depends on her progress/attitude, etc.... Amy has been with that joint repair floor for over 15 years and feels that based on what she has seen and how well Mom has done so far, there is no reason to think that Mom won't be able to return to her independent living. It will take time and patience and dedication to her exercises, but she is going to do this! Amy is also verifying with the surgeon/drs that Mom is still able to have her cataract surgery as planned. Without her sight, her outlook would suck. Amy is aware of the impact that this has on her. All in all, a MUCH better outlook than originally thought. We just need to keep her focused and give her all the encouragement that we can.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Post Surgical Update

Samantha and I stayed with Mom until 9;00 p.m. She was quite uncomfortable still and was experiencing post surgical psychosis. She was agitated, slightly combative and had NO mouth filter at all. We got her to take sips of water and ice chips, but she needed medicine for pain and nausea. She will probably put in a so so night. The P.A. from the surgical team came in and talked to us. She said that considering Mom's experience with the knee, she will probably heal quickly and rehab well. Dr Weiss(?), the actual surgeon, called Deb and told her that Mom will have a long road ahead of her. He said he repaired the hip and made it for 50% weight. After talking to the nurse and researching this further, it appears very different from what the P.A. told me. 50% weight refers to the amount of her body weight she will most likely tolerate at all ever on her hip. Not good. This may impact her ability to recover to her former self and level of independence. Further talks with PT, OT and the Surgeon are in order to determine if Mom will be able to go back to St Judes, or need to relocate somewhere that has assisted living. I will find out more from the team treating her. She does not know any of this yet. She was still agitated when we left tonight. I did get her phone and TV hooked up. Her room # is 3116 and her phone# is 368-1829. FYI- she said she saw her brothers Warren and Al there. That's how delusional she was. Hard to watch...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

******** Momma Auddy Info ******* I spoke with Robin,Mom's nurse on the 3600 unit. She is still very uncomfortable, but Robin is keeping right on top of Mom's pain. She has been upgraded to Dilaudid, a very potent pain killer. Her room is on the 3600 unit, a floor in the Golisano Neuro Rehab. Parking is near the Birthing Center. Surgery is scheduled for sometime tomorrow, but a definite time is not clear at this point. These types of surgeries are added in to the schedule and fit in wherever possible. Robin assures me that Mom will be taken VERY good care of. I will call back in the morning after the night nurses do "rounds" with the day nurses. Hopefully, we'll have more info at that time. No phone in her room at this time, but she will have one after surgery.

Today's Ditloid...

6 = S on a H

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Today's Celebrity Anagram...


Monday, December 10, 2012

This is Jeopardy...


This flightless bird is related to the cassowary

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Today's FrameGame...

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Member Dem...

Former lead singer......many years ago!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Lisa...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Today's Teaser...

What do the following numbers have in common?

3    7    10    11    12

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Riddle me this...

When is the time on a clock like the whistle on a train?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

This is Jeopardy...


In 2010 she launched a children's line, yeah, yeah, yeah:

Monday, December 3, 2012

Today's Celebrity Anagram...


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Today's FrameGame...

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Today's Teaser...

What time is it when the number of minutes since midnight is nine times the number of minutes before noon?