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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Audrey's Radiation Treatment Info

Met with Dr Barr and Dr Dahkal today regarding Mom. They have indicated that although she responded VERY well to Chemo, they want to ensure that the cancer is completely gone. This will be done using radiation. We have an appointment next Monday for what they call her Radiation Planning Session. There, they will make her a "sleeve" for her to wear during radiation that allows them to point it precisely where they want it. There are also a few other things that will be done then too. Her radiation is going to be 5 days/week for 3 to 4 weeks. A total of 17 sessions. They will be less than 1/2 in length. Total time each day will be 1 hour, including travel time to/from Strong. Here is the "catch" if you may. Whatever time we chose for her initial radiation treatment will be consistent through out her therapy. If we chose 10 am, then every day @ 10 am she will need to be there for this. We have until Monday's appointment to decide this as a family. It has to be a time that works well for all, including Mom. Her prognosis is still wonderful, as previously indicated! They are impressed with how good Mom seems to be handling everything. Her treatments would begin 08/20/12. As for holidays, they are closed and just "tack that day on" to the end of the cycle. Her bloodwork is all normal and her weight is stable for the most part. Her blood pressure was SLIGHTLY elevated before seeing the doctor - 203/88!!! Once she spoke to Dr Barr, I had them take it again and she was down to 142/76. Such a worrier... If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.


Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Thanks a lot for the info Leesh.
Let me ponder everything and get back to you all!

debadee said...

It seems to me (only my thoughs) that a later afternoon appt would be a better time for all of us including mom (she is not an easy person for early mornings). Seeing that 3 of us work, it would probably be better to get out of work early in the later afternoon than in the middle of the day. I have Wednesdays off, so I could do Wednesdays every week. Let me know what you all think of this so we can notify our employers as much ahead of time as is reasonable. Thanks Alicia for getting this info to us!

Leesh said...

You're welcome... I have appointments that are not yet made, but need scheduling. Samantha as well as myself. My physical therapist can only see me on Tuesdays and Fridays and as of now, I have nothing more booked out past this Friday. She wants to see me 2 times/week for atleast another 2 weeks. Just so you guys know. Deb - Wednesdays would be great!

debadee said...

I could also do another day if need be. Let me know what everyone thinks.

Bella said...

As we spoke about last night, Mon and Thurs would work out best for me as I work until 4 and could be out by 3 to get her there by 4. It would be very difficult if possible to get out for a few hours during the day as we are short handed at work now.
So the later the better for me.

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

I too feel that later in the afternoon would allow me to be of more help as well!