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Monday, March 22, 2010

Easter Dinner

Ok- So how does deep fried Turkey sound? Jim has volunteered to do the frying. Once we have agreeed on the entree we can plan the rest. And the survey says.......


Mike said...

Count us in!! Can we have cheesy potatoes?! LOVE THOSE!! Let me know what we can bring. Dank you

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS... I LOVE IT!!!!! I will agree with Mike!! I can even make some if needed.. HEY, lets just have TRUCKY and TATERS!!???

Bella said...

ummmm..... Ok

debadee said...

yum, I yike it!!!!

Leesh said...

I'm in! I have a turkey, albeit small, she's a 12 pounder if you need an extra! Shall I make a pan o'taters? Extra gooey?

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Always a hit!!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Just an FYI; 12-16Lb birds are the best for frying. The biggest I ever did was 18Lbs. but that was pushing the size limit!

Leesh said...

You can have mine if you need two for dinner. Perhaps one fried and one roasted?

Bella said...

Looks like Turkey it is