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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Today's Brain Teaser...........

There is a man who lives on the 25th floor of the apartment building. Each day he goes to work and takes the elevator down to the lobby. When he comes home, some days he takes the elevator all the way up to the 25th floor. But on other days he only goes up to the 20th floor and walks up the stairs the rest of the way. Why?


Leesh said...

Because he's a sadist!!! lol

Kimmer said...

the obvious answer would be to lose weight/feel better but since it's a brain teaser the real answer will not be that easy...

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Answer; The man is a midget. He can reach the lobby button so he goes all the way down in the morning. But he can only reach as high as the 20th floor button; so unless someone happens to be in the elevator with him to push the 25th floor button, he must walk the last five floors.

Kimmer said...

lol...see? I knew the answer wasn't going to be obvious. Good one Jim!

Leesh said...

I knew that....