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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Team Debadee Kidney Walk Walkers

Info update. Tomorrow afternoon I am picking up our team banner. We get to decorate it any way we wish (in good taste). Also, for anyone who is collecting donations I have ordered 3 more walker packets. If you need one please email me at debadee48@yahoo.com. The registration will be at 8:00 am and the walk will start at 9:00 am. If we can collectively collect $500 by 8/28 we will have our own team t-shirts with our team name printed on the back. We already have $200 and I know we can do it!!!! I was told today that we have the best and biggest team so far, so let's make it THE best by the day of the walk. Thank you all for your support. Deb


Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Cool..maybe you should bring it with you to the clambake, this way we can get the whole Family's POV.

debadee said...

I thought maybe I would, good idea!

Kimmer said...

Go Team Debadee!!! Woo Hoo!! We will donate as soon as we can.