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Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Hey Everyone! Ijust wanted to update you all on what's going on down here in FL. I was scolded (lol) last night for not posting pics of the girls for you all to see. Well, I went to do it this morning and found that the computer I am using has none (pics of girls). So I need to get them off my other computer (long story). Anywho, we are doing ok. The recession has taken quite a bite out of us. Chris still has a job, but they cut their hours and everyone had to take a 5% pay cut. I have been trying to find any job (pt, ft, etc)but have been unsuccessful. On a brighter note I am back in school. I stared online classes last week and I am going for an AAS in Medical Office Management. It's been weird but I am getting used to it. The girls are doing great! Nothing new going on with them right now. Emily's talking in complete sentences now. We think Hannah might have like ADD or something so we're going to talk to their Dr about it at their checkup in April. Other than all that things are pretty good. I hope you guys are doing well. I will post pics as soon as I can. TTFN!


Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Glad to hear everyone is doing well (considering). Hang in there it's gotta get better soon!

Leesh said...

Kim, please give the girls kisses/hugs from us. We miss them! As for going back to school - remember - FEAR can be a wonderful motivator!!! It's what got me thru nursing school... Take care of everyone and be well. Keep the faith!