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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Update on Mom?

Does anyone have any updates on Mom? I haven't hear anything since Wednesday when Alicia and Grandma went to see her. Chris had surgery on his knee yesterday to repair a torn miniscus so I haven't been able to call anyone. He's doing fine now. It was outpatient sugery. Could someone call me or post here about Mom? Does she have a phone yet?


Leesh said...

Kim... she's doing MUCH better. She's alert and almost herself. She does have a phone, just call the switchboard at 275-2181 and they'll connect you. I don't know her extension #. I talked to her yesterday late morning and she said that the NG tube is finally out of her nose and she was going to be on clear liquids for possibly lunch, but most likely dinner. We're headed up to see her today. I hope Chris is doing well. Give her a call - I'm sure she'd like that. TTFN... Kiss those little cherubs for us!!!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Yes she does have a phone but when I was there on Thursday she did not know the number. I am going up today so I will be happy to try and get more info for you. Glad to hear Chris is recovering nicely!