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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tuesday's Tease

Brain Teaser #49

If I were in Hawaii and dropped a bowling ball in a
bucket of water which is 45 degrees F, and dropped
another ball of the same weight, mass,and size in a
bucket at 30 degrees F, both of them at the same time,
which ball would hit the bottom of the bucket first?
Same question, but the location is in Canada?

Answer on Wednesday


Mike said...

Well I would assume in either country the ball in the 45 degree water would hit before the one in the 30 degree bucket becaus ethat would be a bucket of ice.

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...


Both questions, same answer: the ball in the bucket
of 45 degree F water hits the bottom of the bucket last.
Did you think that the water in the 30 degree F bucket is
frozen? Think again. The question said nothing about
that bucket having anything in it. Therefore, there is no
water (or ice) to slow the ball down...