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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Saturday's Brain Teaser......

If a farmer has 5 haystacks in one field and 4 haystacks in the other field,
how many haystacks would he have if he combined them all in the center field?

Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday's "K-new-it"




Thursday, May 29, 2008

GCMS Spring Concert

Here are some "amateur" photos from my cell phone. They don't do any real justice, but I'd thought I'd share them,nonetheless. Perhaps we can play PIN THE TAIL ON SAMANTHA !!! tee hee hee. Do ya see 'er?


For those who did not attend, you all missed a great concert with the Gates Chili Middle School tonight!!! Way to go SammyJo! Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday's Brain Teaser.....

Put a coin in a bottle and then stop the opening with a cork. How can you get the coin out of the bottle without pulling out the cork or breaking the bottle?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wednesday's "K-new it"

friend miss friend

Click comments for answer....

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Special Announcement!!!

Some of you may have heard some chatter on Memorial Day with regards to Yvonne and I.
I just wanted to let everyone know that today I gave my Sweetheart an engagement ring and asked for her hand in marriage! (She did say yes!! Phew!!!)

I felt it important to ask her Families permission first before I mentioned it to our Family!
So it is now "Family knowledge" that I have asked Yvonne to be my life partner and Wife!
I cannot remember a time in my life that I have been so happy & content!
We are most likely going to make it official in 2009 but we will keep you all informed.

Jing & Yvonne

Tuesday's Tease


If it were two hours later, it would be half as long until midnight as it would be if it were an hour later.
What time is it now?

Monday, May 26, 2008

Thanks to Jim and Yvonne!

Thank you very much for the lovely Memorial Day picky!! It was a great day with great family!! Good times!!! Thanks to everyone else for all the good food! Everything was great!!!! Nice to have the whole fam-damly together!!

I did it!!!!!!

Thanks Jing! I made it in.

Monday's "K-new it"

Business :)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Favor Please....

The weather forecast for Memorial Day does not look as good as Sunday.
Can everyone please bring a lawn chair if you have them. We may
need to seek cover either in the Garage or the house if the weather
Gods are correct!
Jim & Yvonne

Sunday's "K-new-it"

Madam, I'm Adam."

What's strange about this sentence? Try reading it backwards. It reads the same way forwards and backwards. A word, phrase, or sentence that reads the same forwards or backwards is called a palindrome.

For example the word wow is a palindrome. See how many three-letter words you can think of that are palindromes. Try for ten. Then see if you can think of at least one four-letter and one five-letter palindrome.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Come one come all....

Memorial Day Picnic at 12 Limerick Lane on Monday, Memorial Day!
Festivities will begin at 1:00pm. Yvonne's Family will also be attending so we can expect 25-30 people total. We will provide Grilled Chicken, Baked Beans, & Dessert's by Sonya & Yvonne!
Yvonne's Mom is bringing Chips
Audrey will provide Cole Slaw, and we hope Alicia does her famous Deviled Eggs.

If you can bring a dish to pass please list it here!
Idea's include; Mac and/or Potato Salad, Lettuce Salad, Cheese & Crackers, Pop...etc.

Friday's "Jingers & Jimbo"

"Easy miss. I've got you."
"You, you've got me?!" Who's got you?!"

What movie is this from?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday's Anagram....

Manly man? No sir!
Hint: (S)He's a Singer...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

We are Back!

Jimmy and I made it home Wednesday around 12:45pm.
We had a great time in NYC...too bad the Yankees suck!!
I hope to have pictures posted later today!
The blog will also resume on Thursday as well!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tuesday's Tease

Brain Teaser #49

If I were in Hawaii and dropped a bowling ball in a
bucket of water which is 45 degrees F, and dropped
another ball of the same weight, mass,and size in a
bucket at 30 degrees F, both of them at the same time,
which ball would hit the bottom of the bucket first?
Same question, but the location is in Canada?

Answer on Wednesday

Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday's "K-new it"


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Everyone's invited!

I just wanted to share something with the family. This seemed more practical than calling or emailing all of you. Miss Samantha has her GCMS Springtime Concert. It will be at the High School Auditorium on Thursday, May 29th at 7:00 p.m. It should last approximately 1 hour. Anyone wanting to come may do so, no ticket(s) are needed. Hope to see you there....

Sunday's Anagram

Nine Thumps
Hint: One Word

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturday's Brain Teaser......

Wheel of Fortune

A game wheel shows the numbers 1 to 36. Figure out on which 2-digit number Lucy has landed given the following facts:

The number is divisible by 3.
The sum of the digits in this number lies between 4 and 8.
It is an odd number.
When the digits in this number are multiplied together, the total lies between 4 and 8.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Birthday Greetings to Kim!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday's Anagram....

Moon starer

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Today's photo....

For 50 points..what is written on her hat??

Wednesday's "K-new it"

a chance n

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday's Anagram.......

Hint; One word

Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday Monday

I hope everyone has a great Monday!!! Brunch was great yesterday! I'm still full! And all I keep thinking about is that yucky Tripe Uncle Jim had me try!!! :-(

Monday's "K-new it"


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day to all!

Mothers Day Anagram...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Debadee

Friday, May 9, 2008

Friday's Anagram....


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mamas day head count

ok, so heres the final list of people attending.. let me know if i missed any one. i will be calling Friday to adjust the reservations...
Alicia, SJM, Jing, Yvoonne, Pam, Paul, Lisa, Mikey, Audrey, Debadee, Toddy and Heether

that equals 12!!! YAY!! VERY GOOD!!!

Thursday's Anagram.....

Hint....two words.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday's "K-new-it"


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mid Day Anagram.......

Anagrams are words or phrases made by mixing up the letters of other words or phrases, e.g. THE EYES is an anagram of THEY SEE.
Here is today's word;
Bad credit

Tuesday's Teaser......

Brain Teaser #147
Almost everyone sees me without noticing me, For what is beyond
is what he or she seeks. What am I?

Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy Cinco de Mayo

Monday's "Jingers & Jimbo"

"What we've got here is (a) failure to communicate."
What movie is this from? Also name the lead characater.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunday's "K-new-t"


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Saturday Brain Burner....

Imagine a world in which the colors of things have changed from what we consider normal. Assume the following changes:

Snow is now red.
Grass is now black.
The sky is now brown.
Blood is now white.
Soot is now green.

In such a world, what is the color of dirt?

Friday, May 2, 2008

Friday's "Jingers & Jimbo"

"I've seen enough horror movies to know any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly."
Looking for the name of the movie this is from.
Bonus if you know who said it!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday's "K-new-it"