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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday Thinker.......

Where in the World?
Where in the world are you situated and in what direction are you facing if the following conditions are true?
  • If you move to the right, it’s Saturday, July 1.
  • If you move to the left, it’s Sunday, July 2.
  • If you move forward, it’s summer.
  • If you move backward, it’s winter.
Click comments to reveal answer.....


Leesh said...

Are you trying to trick us or what? That was your riddle of the day on January 20th silly... You didn't give us the answer then and it wasn't any easier for me now... lol

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

That's why I repeated it.... You are the only one who's noticed so far! Ha HA HA!!!

debadee said...

Don't look now but I think your age is showing, Jim, LOL. Join the club!!!!!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Answer.........You are at the intersection of the equator and the international dateline, facing north.