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Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Eve Posts......

Lets all respond here to the Christmas Eve post!
Thanks.....Jingers & Yvonne


Anonymous said...

I don't follow directions very good, do you want me to write it over:(
6 people
Taco dip/chips
Crab finger sammies

Oh Boy! I've really gone and done it this time.

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Okay Bella-2-na
Thats 6 for you,6 with my side too!
Hey thats a dozen,like my cousin can't you hear the -------'s buzzin'...oops wrong song. Any way we are up to 12 plus Audrey is 13. any one else joining us please respond here. Dank kew.

debadee said...

I can bring chips/dip and some soda howsa dat? also count me as 1 attending.need me to bring anything else? dank you!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

That works just swell Debadee!
We are now at 14....still counting!

Leesh said...

I'll be bringing individual homemade chocolate cream pies, so a head count is berry beneficial. Count SJM and myself in. Now we're at 16.

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Excellent Leesh. Ok we are now at 16 for Christmas Eve.

Anonymous said...

The 4 Thousands will be there...sorry can't bring nuttin...no time to make anything...working like a mad woman from now till Xmas and my shopping's not done yet!! Yikes!!!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Allrighty then....w/ Kim & her 3 that puts us at 20 total! I will recap everything shortly!!

Lydia Hecker said...

Mikey and I make 20 still cause mom already counted us :o) I'm going to bring cookie "junk bars" - yum!!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Yum Yum...cookie junk bars????
Sounds intriguing!
Can't wait to see everyone too!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Kimmer, we have 2 highchairs so no need to bring booster seats.
Also please bring sippy cups and beverage appropriate for the twins....

Anonymous said...

Jim, Can you think of anything else you may need or want? What time shall we start the celebrations? I have to work until 4:30 but thats not a problem.

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Everyone, We shall start the Festivities between 6-6:30pm.
See you all here.
Jim, & Yvonne

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

I think we are all set, but Thank you anyway!