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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Momma Audie

Here is the room number and phone number for mom at Unity. She is in room #4412 and her phone number is 368-1807. She has a pretty serious case of cellulitis and her primary doctor said she may be able to go home in 1-2 days IF the arm responds to the antibiotic she is receiving in her IV.Once it responds they will put her on oral antibiotics and she will go home. I guess, from what she says, she lost her balance yesterday and fell against that kids high chair seat next to her apartment door. Thus she has a red spot on the back of her left hand which  Dr. Christidis said was possibly why the arm is infected. When I left her about 7:15 or so tonight, she was in good spirits, but not very hungry. We can still call her but she cannot make any calls out until her phone is connected. The nurses were going to try to get it working for her. The 4400 wing of Unity just opened up today and she one of the first patients to get a room on that floor. It's really quite nice. It even smells new, lol. Well that's all I got for now. I will be going up there again in the morning to bring some things to her. She forgot her glasses and the pharmacy at Unity needs some of the over the counter meds which they do not stock. When I get more information I will relay it to you.