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Monday, January 6, 2014

Have you been the victim of credit card fraud?....

I was! ESL called me to ask about 2 recent charges to my Debit/ATM card.
Both were from 12/31/2013 and the charge was for $9.84 each. There was also an international fee of .10¢ for each of these charges as well. ESL had me sign paperwork to dispute these charges and issued me a new card.

Today I looked at my Chase Visa account and lo and behold....again $9.84 on 12/25/13.
Of course I disputed this charge and Chase is sending me a new card and account number.

The charges were listed as;
12/25/2013 $9.84  EESAC.com
12/30/2013 $9.84 CEWCS.com
12/30/2013 $9.84 ONWSAC.com

Please check your accounts regularly! Some online research says this may be the result of the Target credit card breach, even though I did not shop there recently, I have in the past year!



debadee said...

Wow, sorry to hear that!!! I check my credit cards everyday. So far so good.

Leesh said...

That sucks!!! I had something similar happen to my M and T debit card over a year ago. A $99 charge for a google purchase in Europe, of all places. M and T was fabulous about it and suggested that perhaps my card was "copied" when I swiped it at the Hess on Chili Ave. Crazy, huh?>

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Yikes...I think I remember Ma telling me something like that....