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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Some News....

Hello Extended Family!

I just wanted to share that I proposed to Kelly last night and after begging and weeping, she accepted.  No date or plans as of yet (at least that I know about, I know how you women have been planning these things since birth) but will keep you all posted!!

My best to you all, especially Auddie...she better be back on her feet in time for MY wedding!!!!


Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Yeah congrats again to the both of you!! I so wanted to post this for you but was unsure just who did and din't know!! We are all so happy for you!!!

debadee said...

Congratulations Kelly and Bobby. We'll make sure mamma Auddie is up and about by the time the "wedding of the year" happens. Much love to both of you!!!

Leesh said...

Congrats to the both of you. Momma Auddie says thank you for the comical card and she cannot wait to dance at the big event!!!