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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Momma Audy's Diagnosis

I am posting a link to a credible website that explains Mom's diagnosis in greater detail. I have just heard from the Oncologist/Radiologist that pathology is done and confirmed. She has Non Hodgkins' Diffuse large B cell lymphoma. I am waiting to hear back from him as to who/when/where she will be seen. He mentioned the team is at Strong Memorial and fabulous! Chemotherapy, both IV and oral medicine, will be the treatment of choice. We will find out more specifics as to how often this will occur when the Chemo team meets with us. There MAY be radiation after the chemo, if they feel it is warranted. However, the big consolation that the Radiation Oncologist wanted us to appreciate is that Mom will not have to have any surgery as far as they can see. The chemo alone should kill all of the cancer cells and reduced and/or eliminate the tumor and associated swelling completely. Dr Constine( radiology oncology doc ) was very reassured that he and the chemo team can "resolve" this for Mom. The article that I am enclosing the link for is very informative and realistic. I hope this helps us all understand a little bit better about what's going on. Any questions, feel free to ask!



Bella said...

Thanks Aicia

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Very good info! Thanks Leesh.

Leesh said...

You're welcome! FYI - Dr Tyler called me today. She wanted to ensure that we all understand the latest diagnosis/prognosis. She was ADIMANT that Mom has a very good prognosis!!! VERY TREATABLE!!! That was nice of her to call and reassure us. Just an FYI.