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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The latest info for Audy Momma

Just wanted to bring everyone up to speed on what's going on with Mom. She has several more appointments scheduled before she starts chemo. They are as follows:

1. 03/28 @ 9 am - She is going to have an IV drip of Zometa to decrease the calcium in her blood. This overabundance of calcium is coming directly from her cancer. She will be sent home with a prescription for Prednisone and Allopurinol to take orally to complete this.

2. 03/29 - She needs to have more blood work to verify her calcium levels.

3. 03/30 @ 1 pm - She is having a bone biopsy @ SMH to ensure that the cancer has NOT spread to her bones. If it has, then her treatment will be slightly different to account for that.
03/30 @ 3 pm - She is meeting with Dr. Mohile @ Highland Hospital. Dr. Mohile is a geriatrician and will be helping Mom with the whole chemo process and things that she may need to assist her while she is going through this. ( Kinda like a social worker Doc. )

4. 04/03 @ 11 am - She is having a second appointment with the Physical Therapist @ SMH Lymphedema clinic. She is trying to reduce the swelling in Mom's forearm and hand for now.
04/03 @ 1 pm - She is having a MUGA (cardiac scan) to ensure that Mom's heart will tolerate the chemotherapy well enough.

5. 04/04 @ 9:30 am - She is having a "port" placed into her upper chest to allow the chemo and any/all blood work to be done comfortably. This avoids having to do needle sticks on her arms/hands.

6. 04/05 @ 9 am - She is seeing her oncologist, Dr. Barr. He will talk to her prior to her starting her chemotherapy for the first time.
04/05 @ 10 am - She will be receiving her first dosage of chemotherapy. This is provided that all of her tests come back with appropriate results and her calcium levels have diminished. The chemo is done in the privacy of her own room, complete with television, bed, tables, chairs. We can be with her during all of this if we'd like. Each time she has chemo, it will be for 6 to 7 hours, once/week, every three weeks.

7. 04/23 @ 2:15 pm - She has a follow up with Dr Tyler, the original oncologist/surgeon who saw her initially.


debadee said...

I will be taking mom on Thurs. for her blood test.

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Great job Leesh w/ the details!!
I will check my work(s) schedules and see what I can do to assist wherever needed.

Leesh said...

Anytime, Jing! Deb is taking her tomorrow for her blood work and Bella is taking her this Friday for the bone biopsy and social worker. FYI.....

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Sure glad I have 3 Sisters...couldn't tell me that when I was a kid...;-)

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

I have been cleared to take next Thursday (4/05/12) off to assist or take Mom for that whole day if needed.

Bobbo said...

If I can be of assistance as well, please let me know. I do have some flexibility in my schedule and can do whatever!!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Thanks Bobbo..we all appreciate that very much!

Leesh said...

Thank you Bobbo!!! Such a nice boy.....lol ;-)

debadee said...

Thanks Bobby!!! We appreciate it. Just keep mom in your thoughts and prayers.