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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Let's try something different......

For the last 3 + years, the blog has been posting a new post early every morning. While this may be favorable for the regulars, it does not allow the others who may not be early risers an opportunity to participate.

Starting immediately (for the next few weeks) the daily posting will now be at random times. It could be early morning mid morning late afternoon, or very late at night. Somewhat "less predictable" if you will!

Let's see how this will be! As usual comments are always welcome!


debadee said...

Thanks for getting rid of the red blog (sounds like a disease) It was quite harsh on the eyes (you know us old people). The suggestion is a good one. I agree!! I like the eliminate of surprise, lol.

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Yes...surprise's are fun! Thanks for the comments!!