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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Save the Date - Mike's 30th Birthday Party!!

Mikey's Turning 30!!
Hi Everyone! We will be having a 30th Birthday Party on Saturday, 11/6 at our house to celebrate Mike's 30th birthday! The party will begin around 5 PM and we will be serving snacks, dinner, drinks and cake! Please let me know no later than 10/30/10 if you will be attending and how many. Please email me at lisa.a.pickering@gmail.com.

Invitees are the Verhey Clan (Jim and Yvonne, Jimmy, Jamie & family, Shaunna and Jeff, Heather and Billy, Mom and Tuna, Alicia and Sam, Debbie, Gram, Bobby Bill), Pickering Clan and a few of Mike's friends will be coming later.

If you could pass the message to those in your family that don't check the blog often, please do!!

Thanks and hope you can all make it!!


Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

We'll be there!!! Should we bring "Dirty Thirty" presents???

debadee said...

Count me in!!!!!

Lydia Hecker said...

Haha, dirty thirty presents are funny! Please don't feel like you have to bring anything though! It should be a good time!