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Friday, May 14, 2010

Let's go to the Drive-In.....

Any interest in doing a Family night at the Vintage Drive-in??
Here is the link to check it out! click here
Let's get some comments and possible dates if we want to do this!


debadee said...

I'm in. It's funny you should mention the drive in. I was just thinking about it this week. Hmmmm!!

Anonymous said...

i'm so in!!! how about these potential dates to get the ball rolling?? June 5th sat..June 26th sat. July 10th sat. July 31st?? Sat.. I chose sats. cause every one works on friday and lets be honest, i won't be able to make it until 10 pm!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

I am good with July 10th, July 31st... anyone else?

debadee said...

I'm good with July 10or 31

Leesh said...

The 10th works for us!

Lisa said...

10th is more than likely good for us!

Bella said...

The 10th could work for us. Pauls sisiter is coming into town that week not sure of plans. Should be ok

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Do we all agree on July 10th. or should I send out one more email???

Anonymous said...

We are in for the 10th!