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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Moving update

Hey All...
Just wanted to let you all know that we will be moving back to FL at the end of October. We are moving back to the apartments we lived in before we moved up here and
Chris' boss agreed to help us with expenses. The only catch to the apartment is that in order for us to take advantage of the special they are offering us is that we have to be down there by the end of October. I am sad but relieved at the same time. Chris got a raise and vacation time and sick time so our financial problems are almost over Thank God! We almost stayed up here because Chris got a call about a temp job but the more we thought about it the more we are leary about the job market up here if he should not get hired after his 3 months which is not a sure thing. We need more stability and he has job security down in FL. I don't know exactly when we'll be leaving but I will find out more soon and post it when I know. TTFN!!