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Friday, July 31, 2009

Today's Teaser......

You have two candles that take exactly one hour to burn, but they don't burn at a steady rate. For example, one candle could take 59 minutes to burn the first inch and then burn the rest of the candle in the last minute. How would you use these two candles to measure 45 minutes?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Today's "K-new-it"......

issue issue issue issue
issue issue issue issue
issue issue

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Today's Brain Teaser.......

Two people are in a barn. Ten cats follow them in. How many feet are in the barn now?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Today's Anagram......


Hint; Weather or not.....

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hello Everyone!

Icannot believe i only have a little less then 2 weeks here! Its been so fun,and time has passed by so fast! I just wanted to say evverythings all good!! And i wanted to show you all a picture of the guys so you dnt get them mixed up when i show you pics! hha,cause its super easy,trust me.

From left to right: Logan B, Aaron, Ryan, Logan M

Birthday Greetings.....to my Sweetheart!!

Riddle me this......

Why did the cake like to play baseball?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Let's Play...."Are you serious Jing?"

Try to figure out the meaning of the word below........


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

Today's Framegame......

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Riddle me this......

What measure of energy comes from the Latin word meaning "heat"?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Time for a New Look!

What do you think of the blog's new look?
Comments would be appreciated!

Today's "K-new-it"......


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Today's Musical Anagram.....

"Worn Maize,"

Guess the song title...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Riddle me this......

What is it that when you take away the whole, you still have some left over?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Toda's Framegame......

Tyler, Quinn and Tim

I went to Tim's 40th birthday party yesterday and took these pictures. We had a good time. Lots of people!!!!! Hey Jim, okay to invite Tyler and Quinn to the clambake?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Lisa and Mike have left the nest.

Hi just wanted to share with you all that Lisa and Mike have offically moved into their new home as of today. It looks great!!

Have ya ever?

This is a hybrid lily that I bought last year and transplanted outdoors in the fall. I've never seen a lily without very long stems. Think it's a midgit!!!

Holy Smokes!!!

Zweigles hot dogs are here in FL!!!!! Just saw an ad for Albertson's and there they were right on the back page. I am so excited!! Just thought I'd share that....LOL

Today's Anagram......

Oe, why ever Dallas?

Hint; Famous Nasty person...

Dallas book depository....

Friday, July 17, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Today's Anagram......


Hint; what a blast...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thanks from Aunt Ellie

Mom received a thank you card from Aunt Ellie thanking all of us for sending the flowers.

Today's Brain Teaser.......

Though in theory I am always behind you, I am also around to
remind you. But in case it's your way to give me too much
say, I can hamper or, even worse, blind you. What am I?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The blank in the blank

26=L in the A. What am I

Birthday Greetings.......Auddie Mama

Monday, July 13, 2009

Riddle This one!

Me, Aaron, Logan, and Ryan were driving around town. We passed 1st st., 2nd st, 3rdst, but then it went to 17 street. how didthat happen?and a bonus: there was 16 1/2 st, how was there a 1/2 street?


Save the date.......

Family Clambake this year will be on Saturday August 29th at our home.
I will have more details in the very near future with regards to clam pricing, and the rest of the menu as well as who can bring what, what time, etc.

One again it will be our Family and Yvonne's as well!

Stay tuned!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

....and yet another riddle

What are the next 3 letters in this riddle? o t t f f s s _ _ _

Toda's Framegame......

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Here's another one fer ya

What is black when you buy it, red when you use it and gray when you throw it away?

Today's Teaser......

Pinkie Pinkerton lived in a pink one story house on Pink Street. The walls were pink, the roof was pink, the carpet was pink, the flowers were pink, the pictures were pink, the furniture was pink, the bathroom was pink, her stuff was pink, the yard was pink, even her cat was pink. EVERYTHING was pink. So what color were the stairs in Pinkie Pinkerton's house?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Today's Anagram......


Hint: 2 words

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Riddle me this.....

The owner of a pet store tried to clean the cages of some canaries, but then when he tried to put them back he was lost. If he puts in one canary per cage, he has one bird without a cage. If he puts in two canaries per cage, he has one cage empty. How many cages and canaries does he have?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hannah and Emily pics!

Hey everyone! Here are some new pics of the girls! Just took them tonight. Enjoy!!

Today's "K-new-it"......


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

Josh's first stitch

Josh had to get 1 stitch on Sunday. Holli emailed me this picture. He got a puncture wound at a friends house from a free-standing old basketball hoop (like little Jim had with sand in base).

Today's Teaser.......

A light-tight wooden box has three switches on the outside that control three light bulbs on the inside. When the box is closed you can turn the switches on or off but when you open the box how can you tell which switch controls each bulb without touching the switches?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Today's Framegame.....

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th. of July to all....

Friday, July 3, 2009

Woo Hooo!

Wooo Hoooo!! I got a certificate yesterday from my school because I made the Dean's List with Honors. I had a 3.85 GPA my first term!!!! Just though I'd share my exciting news!! Hope everyone has a great 4th of July! We're taking the girls to see their first fireworks display tonight. Wish us luck...LOL!

Riddle Me This....

There once was an evil wizard. He took 3 woman from their homes and turned them into rose bushes that looked exactly alike. He put them in his garden. One of the woman had a husband and children and begged the wizard to let her see them. He agreed. At night, he brought the woman to her house. In the morning he came and took her home. One day the husband decided to go rescue her. So he snuck into the wizard's garden. He looked and looked at the 3 identical rose bushes trying to figure out which could be his wife. Suddenly, he knew the answer and he took his wife home. How did he know which rose bush was his wife?

Birthday Wishes...to my Girls!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Today's "K-new-it"......


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

somewhere Under the Rainbow.........

Last night I saw these double rainbows out my sliding glass door. The one just to the left of the main rainbow is lighter and may be harder to see. It was a beautiful sight.

Let's Play...."What the heck is it?"

Below is a small section of today's pictured item.
Try to guess what this object is!